Chuck以Wendy为代价解决了Bryan和JockAxe以Rebecca为代价解决了TaylorTaylor以保住公司为代价带着“天团”回到老东家卧薪尝胆一切又回到了最初的双雄对决模式这一季看的非常过瘾你莫走原唱就是因为两位枭雄有各自的仇要报而联合起来碾压一切挡在他们面前的障碍并最终达成而且最重要的是Taylor已经自成一派可以和Axe抗衡现在结尾又重新把他们收归成一根绳拔河说实话对下一季质量的担忧主要是怕Ctrl C Ctrl V 前两季若不幸真的说中了那还真他妈的是一贯的美剧做法——高开低走
AMC La Jolla. It was… tho predictable, entertaining enough thru out. They kept up the bit & it didn’t turn funny like many teen horror movies did. There r def plot holes & it wasn’t too scary. The protagonist was pretty annoying she should have stopped trying to fix things and getting ppl into more trouble.